7. Business Roadmap

2023 Q2~2024 Q2

  • Recruit and set up research personnel for innovative algorithm development

  • Gather testnet feedback and commence mainnet development

  • Plan POW+S and publish Whitepaper v1.0

  • Launch PEM website and community channels

  • Issue PEM tokens (to be swapped 1:1 with future mined PEM coins)

2024 Q3~Q4

  • Deploy PEM testnet

  • Launch POW+S mainnet

  • Operate beta version of the mining algorithm

2025 Q1~Q4

  • Establish POW+S Super Node guidelines

  • Fully operate POW+S mainnet Super Nodes and mining algorithm

  • Strengthen strategic partnerships to activate the PEM coin economic model

2026 Q1~Q4

  • Apply Alt-DA solutions using PEM layers 2 and 3

  • PEM partner company DApp onboarding process

  • Launch global campaign for PEM eco-friendly mining

  • Host PEM conference and enhance brand awareness through sponsorships

Last updated